AO Scan

Unlock Your Limitless Potential To Heal

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Unlock limitless potential of healing to empower yourself, positively transform your life and elevate your overall well-being.

If you're feeling like things are out of balance in your life, this is a great time to explore new potentials. AO scans are a valuable tool that can assist you in regaining harmony and balance, by tapping into the immense healing capabilities offered by the Quantum Field.

Do you ever feel like your stress and emotions are running the show?

Life experiences can trigger emotional responses that impact your health. When this happens, your body communicates with you in its own unique way. An AO Scan can assist you in understanding these messages, revealing which emotions might be out of balance and which organs are affected by these emotions.

Book a Scan today to discover how an AO Scan can support you in attaining emotional harmony and overall well-being.

Why An AO Scan?

Do you often get sick for no apparent reason and can't figure out why? Have you been trying to manage chronic or acute symptoms without really knowing what's causing them? Do you have school age children who regularly take ill? Are you looking for answers to better understand your body and your family's health? If any of that sounds like you, an AO Scan can be the solution you've been looking for. Radionics (electromagnetic therapy) is a way of healing that identifies imbalances in your body's energy field and then uses energy waves and frequencies to help your body with healing itself.

What makes the AO Scan process even more remarkable is its speed. The system can perform assessments expediently, allowing for quick and efficient decision-making. All scans are very quick, insightful and completed without the challenges that may accompany traditional imaging techniques. Also, each scan produces a detailed report that can be shared.

What is an AO Scan?

The AO Scan represents a groundbreaking leap forward in revealing the keys to achieving optimal health and wellness. This cutting-edge, non-invasive bioresonance device utilizes radionics to help you learn about how your body is performing.

It communicates with the body via subtle bio-frequencies and electromagnetic signals to identify irregularities in the energy frequencies present in cells, tissues, and organs throughout the body. Disruptions or imbalances in these frequencies often serve as crucial indicators of distress, discomfort, or disease. The AO scan can then be utilized to provide individualized optimal frequencies, aiding the body in restoring its optimal health.

With this technology, we can take early steps to deal with potential problems before they worsen and lead to fatigue, depression, or more serious illnesses. In the end, this remarkable tool provides everyone with an opportunity to live a more satisfying and joyful life.

How It Works?

Everything has a frequency, even our bodies. The body’s cells can create and receive energy. This energy is information that functions through sending and receiving specific frequencies. When these natural frequencies become mixed up, so does the body's ability to self regulate and maintain healthy function. We can then begin to feel unwell. Maybe we are more tired than usual, or have a change in appetite; our mood may change; we may feel mentally burdened; we may even become sick. When this occurs, the body's frequency level or vibration must be changed. When we want to listen to a particular radio station, we need to tune into the correct frequency of that station in order to reach it. Our bodies are the same way. We need to tune into the correct frequencies to reach the optimal state of being.

This technology enables you to gain insights into your body's internal status and is designed to scan and measure your frequencies. It is able to show variances and can then emit optimizing frequencies to harmonize imbalance and chaos, helping your body to find equilibrium. The result is a movement toward a balanced mind, body and soul.

The system's functionality includes evaluating each scan and determining a personalized set of corrective frequencies. These frequencies are then sent to the brain, utilizing a process called Sympathetic Vibration. The purpose of this approach is to stimulate the body to self-correct any issues that may fall outside the optimum range. By employing specific frequencies tailored to individual needs, the system aims to promote a harmonious response within the body, facilitating the restoration of balance and well-being.


This modality has been successfully utilized to treat a wide number of conditions. which include: Stress, chronic fatigue, anxiety, allergies, emotional wounds, mental burdens, bone and muscle conditions, bacterial diseases, reproductive functions, parasites, immune system, viruses, cardiovascular issues, physical pain and more.

A partial Listing of:

Issues That Can Be Addressed

  • Abdominal Pain
  • Acne
  • Addictions
  • Autism
  • Allergies
  • Back Pain
  • Bacterial Diseases
  • Bedwetting
  • Bladder
  • Blood
  • Blood Pressure
  • Reproductive Function
  • Respiratory Issues
  • Bone & Muscle Condition
  • Cardiovascular Issues
  • Chakras
  • Detoxification
  • Digestive
  • Fungus / Mold

  • Gastrointestinal Function
  • Gout
  • Hair Loss
  • Headaches
  • Heavy Metals
  • Hormonal Imbalance
  • Genetics
  • Immune System
  • Impotence
  • Infections
  • Insulin Resistance
  • Lymphatics
  • Major Organ Function
  • Parasites
  • Sinuses
  • Teeth
  • Thyroid Function
  • Viruses
  • Vitamins / CoEnzymes

Book Your Scan

Get the Insights You Need to Help Your Body Heal Itself and Thrive!

Inner-Voice┃Emotional Balance $85

Tune into the wisdom of your body with an Inner-Voice scan. INNER-Voice technology utilizes sound harmonizing techniques to create a balancing audio frequency based on an individual's voice spectrum. In essence, it provides the necessary frequencies while reducing excessive ones. It can be likened to hearing a reflection or "mirror" of your own voice.

The INNER-Voice program plays a significant role in harmonizing everyday life by enhancing concentration, creativity, and emotional intelligence. It is a potent tool that enables the analysis of a client's voice to determine their emotional state. Based on this analysis, the program generates a customized audio tone specifically designed to help restore emotional balance and address any imbalances identified. The Inner Voice Scan is designed to be performed multiple times a day as needed.

The Inner Voice report will display three notes that are excessively out of balance (or

over-compensated) and the main octave being suppressed.

The Inner Voice Scan is an invaluable asset for those seeking to better understand and manage their emotional health. It assists you in connecting with your body's inherent wisdom, leading you towards solutions and lifestyle changes that match your individual needs.

This Option Includes:

  • Inner voice testing
  • See how various emotional concerns can be interconnected with physical symptoms
  • Personalized balancing frequencies to optimize your body
  • MP3 frequency balancing audio files emailed
  • Recommendations for chromotherapy (color therapy)
  • Detailed graphic report sent via email
  • Supplement recommendations
  • View sample report

Vitals Scan┃Blueprint Reset For Bodily Functions $125

The Vitals Scan performs a complete scan of over 550 frequencies associated with each bodily function. The scan is designed to provide you with a comprehensive snapshot of your body's vital functions. It looks at the frequencies being produced by the blood, organs, glands, and systems of the body. It provides information pertaining to various parameters such as heart rate, blood lipids, blood pressure, oxygen saturation, proteins, allergies, sensitivities, amino acids, bacteria, heavy metals, immune system, organ function, molds, parasites, virus, toxins, and much more. Additionally, this scan allows you to scan your pets’ vitals! It scan can be used on horses, dogs, and cats.

The Vitals Scan reports on the following: Food Sensitivities, Blood, Chakras, Gastrointestinal, Meridians, Nutritional Analysis, Physical Functionality, and Toxicities. The Vitals Scan for humans is designed to be performed 1 to 2 times per week as needed. For pets, it is designed to be performed Every day as needed.

The Vitals Scan enables you to take control of monitoring your essential health markers, guaranteeing that you remain on course and can make necessary adjustments to your wellness regimen promptly.

This Option Includes:

  • Vitals testing
  • Insights that are crucial to understanding your body and achieving optimal health
  • 24-Page detailed graphic report sent via email
  • Chakra analysis
  • View sample report

Body Systems Scan┃Highlight Systems That Need Support $125

The Body Systems Scan conducts a comprehensive evaluation of hundreds of frequencies related to 13 different body systems.

The results from the Body Systems Scan generate a detailed 27-page data report, which provides a thorough analysis of each of these body systems: Circulation, Connective Tissue, Digestion, Endocrine, Lymphatics, Musculoskeletal, Nervous System, Respiratory System, Sensory Nervous System, Integumentary (Skin), Urinary, Chromosomes, Human Cell, Mitochondria. The Body Systems Scan is designed to be performed every day as needed.

This assessment complements the findings from the Vitals and Comprehensive scan, focusing on identifying and highlighting specific body systems that may require additional support.

This Option Includes:

  • Body systems testing
  • 27-Page detailed report sent via email
  • The individual reports educate you about each individual system of your body as it relates to your body‘s vitals, potential cause of imbalance, emotional causes, and suggests ways to improve your overall system
  • View sample report

Comprehensive Scan┃Reset Organs, Cells, Bones, and Chromosomes $185

The Comprehensive Scan conducts highly detailed scans of over 130 organs, cells, bones, and chromosomes in the body.

The Comprehensive Scan includes the Inner Voice and Vitals Scan and provides the following detailed reports: Arteries, Chromosomes, Connective Tissue, Ear, Eye, Heart, Lymphatics, Muscles, Nerves, Organs, Skeletal System, and Veins. The Comprehensive Scan is designed to be performed 1 to 2 times per week as needed.

The Comprehensive Scan provides a complete perspective, enabling you to tackle root imbalances and attain holistic wellness.

This Option Includes:

  • A thorough scan assessing the body's structure, identifying inflammation levels and signs of degeneration in bones, muscles, arteries, and other components.
  • Personalized optimizing frequencies to help your body restore balance
  • MP3 Frequency Balancing audio files emailed
  • Detailed graphical reports of body systems
  • Supplement recommendations
  • View sample report

Supplement Analysis

Included with Inner-Voice & Comprehensive Scans

Supplements play a vital role in supporting overall health and well-being. They bridge nutritional gaps, provide essential vitamins and minerals, and address deficiencies. Additionally, supplements can enhance immune function, boost energy, aid recovery, offer antioxidant protection, improve mental health, support cardiovascular health and bone/joint health, and cater to specific dietary needs.

The AO Scan assists in evaluating supplements, essential oils, or Chinese herbs for potential benefits to your body by assessing their compatibility with your unique requirements, as determined by your personalized scan results.

AO Scan represents the future of digital body scans and is the 1st Step to Improve your health beyond your imagination.

Utilizing the AO Scan, Sole Renew can work with you in-person and remotely to help you get to the root cause of physical, mental, emotional and spiritual imbalances; assisting your body with unlocking access to its innate wisdom of healing, so you can enjoy renewed whole-body health, joy, vitality, and thrive at your highest potential. Services are offered with a unique and individual touch. Each session helps you to awaken to new levels of health, wellness and awareness.

Choose Your Scan

Inner Voice

Emotional Balance


  • Examine Emotions
  • Balancing audio files
  • Color Therapy Suggestion
  • Detailed Graphic Report


Reset Bodily Functions


  • 24-Page Graphic Report
  • Crucial Insights
  • Chakra Analysis
  • Supplement Suggestion

Body Systems

A Deep Look At Systems


  • 27-Page Graphic Report
  • Education of each individual body system
  • Supplement Suggestion


Complete Holistic View


  • Full Body Analysis
  • Inflammation identified
  • Degeneration identified
  • Balancing audio files
  • Detailed Graphic Report

"Reality is not what it seems. The quantum field is the hidden source..."

of limitless healing potential and expansion.

Royal Rife

Royal Rife made the groundbreaking observation that particular radio frequencies, when transmitted through a plasma tube directed at the body, exclusively targeted and disrupted microbes that shared the same resonant frequency. Remarkably, these frequencies could exterminate the specific microbe they were tuned to without any impact on anything else within the body.

Nikola Tesla

Nikola Tesla found that he could send specific frequencies through the air. His pioneering research laid the foundation for technologies such as radio broadcasting, cell phones, and wireless internet. His discoveries enabled the transmission of information across vast distances, connecting people and cultures worldwide. His impact continues to shape our interconnected world.

Albert Einstein

Einstein foresaw the potential of radio frequencies in the field of medicine, recognizing their significance for the future. His forward-thinking ideas emphasized the importance of frequency-based approaches in healthcare. His vision regarding the role of frequencies in medicine continues to influence research and innovation in the healthcare industry,

There’s More To Sole Renew

Our Signature Service Offerings Are BelowSee our website for More


A foot zone session is everything you never knew you needed! We stimulate meridians in your feet to help you whole body heal and renew.


This modality helps clear limiting beliefs, subconscious blocks, and traumas from your body, so you can enjoy positive life-changing results.


You get a deeper understanding of your true self, empowering you to align with your purpose, and navigate life's journey with clarity and fulfillment.

You don’t have to feel stuck in your healing journey!

Whether you're facing a physical ailment, emotional stress, or mental burden, lasting and genuine healing is attainable. Authentic and sustained healing occurs when we approach the body as a complete unit. At Sole Renew, we treat your body as a whole to effectively address its unique needs and help you expand beyond limitations.

We’ve helped so many people find healing from conditions they never thought they could be free from.

Sioux Greaux

Founder of Sole Renew & Energy Medicine Practitioner

Sioux Greaux offers unique healing modalities that help you optimize the vitality of your heart, mind, body & soul. She works with stress, anxiety, digestive issues, trauma, generational wounds, grief, PTSD, emotional pain, mental strain, physical pain and abuse clients with amazing results. Service offerings include: Foot Zone Therapy, AO Scan, Bioenergetic Therapy, Sound Therapy, Energy Blueprints and Quantum Reiki.

shout out ATL

Sole Renew @ Strong Heart Wellness

95 Cliftwood Drive

Sandy Springs, GA 30328

Phone: (845) 764-3110

All Services Provided By Appointment Only